Dance Moms is a reality television series that follows the life of the Dance Moms, a professional dance company in Ohio, United States. The show premiered on Lifetime in 2014 and ran for four seasons before concluding its run in 2018. The production of the show took place in various locations, including the Dance Moms’ home studio and some of their performances venues. In this article, we will explore where exactly the show Dance Moms was filmed and what made these locations so suitable for capturing the essence of the Dance Moms’ performances and training sessions.
Filming Locations
The majority of the show’s filming took place at the Dance Moms’ home studio, which is located in Columbus, Ohio. This studio is known for being one of the largest dance studios in the United States and has been featured in several other television shows and movies. The studio is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, including cameras, lighting, and sound systems, which help to create an authentic and professional atmosphere for the dancers.
In addition to the home studio, the show also filmed at some of the Dance Moms’ performance venues, such as the Ohio State Fairgrounds and the Columbus Convention Center. These venues provided the perfect backdrop for the show’s performances, allowing viewers to witness the Dance Moms’ talents in a larger setting.
Why These Locations?
The choice of filming locations played a crucial role in the success of the show. The home studio provided a comfortable and familiar environment for the dancers, allowing them to feel relaxed and confident during their performances. The use of natural light and high-quality lighting equipment helped to enhance the dancers’ movements and expressions, making the performances more visually appealing.
On the other hand, the use of performance venues added a sense of excitement and drama to the show. The large crowds and enthusiastic audience members created a memorable experience for both the dancers and the viewers. Moreover, the diverse range of settings allowed the show to showcase the versatility of the Dance Moms’ performances, from traditional ballet routines to contemporary dance pieces.
In conclusion, the show Dance Moms was filmed in various locations, including the Dance Moms’ home studio and some of their performance venues. These locations were chosen for their ability to capture the essence of the Dance Moms’ performances and training sessions. By providing a comfortable and familiar environment for the dancers, as well as adding a sense of excitement and drama through the use of performance venues, the show was able to create a memorable experience for both the dancers and the viewers.